Sports medicine

Study: what is the best ankle brace for sprains in sport?

Study: what is the best ankle brace for sprains in sport?

As part of a study led by Steffen Willwacher, Professor of Biomechanics and Fundamentals of Engineering Sciences at the University of Offenburg, the best ankle brace for sports has now been establi...


Sprained ankle vs. broken ankle: What's the difference?

Determining the difference between a broken ankle vs. sprained ankle can be difficult to diagnose. Sprained and broken ankle injuries can cause similar symptoms, such as pain, swelling, and diffic...

Eisbäder und Kältetherapie

Ice baths: Why athletes swear by cold water therapy

Sportler aus allen Sportarten schwören auf Eisbäder, um Muskelkater zu lindern. Aber sind sie auch für nicht athletische Menschen geeignet?

Schmerzen im Knöchel beim Gehen? Häufige Ursachen und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten

Ankle pain when walking?: Common causes & treatments

If you're experiencing ankle pain when walking, you're not alone. We're unveiling the mystery behind ankle pain, including common causes and treatments.

Historische Entwicklung der Sprunggelenkbandage Sport

The historical development of the sports ankle brace

Whether as an amateur or a professional - many people like to do sports. Unfortunately, injuries are inevitable. Sport is one of the main reasons for torn ankle ligaments. For example, handball is...

Sprunggelenkbandage Test Umknickplattform Ausschnitt

Ankle brace comparison: Charité test study

In order to show the function and added value of our technology, we carried out a study together with the Charité Berlin and the TU Berlin in 2019. The study was funded by the Federal Ministry of E...

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